2nd and 3rd Czech Cup results and photos

2nd and 3rd Czech Cup results and photos

We have another 4 events already past us:

  • 4. - 5.7.2020 - Czech Cup - Štítná nad Vláří - foto SL - foto GS
  • 7. - 12.7.2020 - Children Camp - České Petrovice
  • 28. - 31.7.2020 - Children Camp - Předklášteří
  • 1. - 2.8.2020 - Czech Cup - Předklášteří - foto GS

Above all, both camps were full of skiing and all kids showed the motivation, spirit and the huge progress they made.

The parallel race held as a test race without being included in the Czech Cup took place in České Petrovice, had a great response (it is also possible to see the results a little lower). This race was really successful and motivated everyone to ride 150%.

Everyone transferred the positive motivation to another training camp in Předklášteří. Videos from U12 rides can be viewed here.

Current Czech Cup standings is here: https://www.grasski.net/cs/pro-zavodniky/cesky-pohar

Training runs from Předklášteří

Race runs from Předklášteří

Parallel U10, U12

Parallel U14, U16

Ing. Martin Štěpánek
ESmont spol. s r.o.
IČO: 60736062
DIČ: CZ60736062
Černovická 13, 61700, Brno
Czech Republic

phone: +420 603148858
email: m.stepanek@grasski.net
Skype: Martajz
Facebook: Grasski.net
Twitter: @Grasski_net

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Fio banka, a.s.
bank account: 2500562236, bank code 2010
SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX, IBAN: CZ4220100000002500562236
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